07976 316 204
Trish is a member of the Kennel Club Accreditated Instructor’s Scheme and was a finalist in the Kennel Club Instructor of the year awards in 2016.
She has been chairperson of Just For Dogs rescue and rehoming centre for the last 18 years and has adopted/fostered many difficult and challenging dogs who have been transformed with positive reward based training methods, love, patience and understanding of the individual dogs needs.
She is a pets as therapy volunteer with her German Shepherd Dolly and makes regular visits to Hospitals, Schools and Care Homes giving some canine TLC to poorly patients.
Trish also runs a home dog boarding service, looking after dogs in her own home and can provide training while her canine guests are on holiday if required.

Pauline's love of dogs goes back to her childhood. She has had a number of dog's since then, mostly German Shepherds. She currently has two GSD's, both six years old. One from a puppy and the other, a rescue dog, from Just for Dogs Rescue and Re homing Centre.
She is involved with the training of the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme here at TPL Dog Training.
She is also a Kennel Club trained Trainer and Instructor at the Midland Counties German Shepherd Dog Association, Derby where she has trained three of her Shepherds over the last five years.

Lynn first became interested in dog training when she got her second rescue dog Sox, who came with a few issues to say the least! She did a short obedience course to get the basics then kept learning from books, TV and any other media she could find. When she lost him at the grand age of 13 he was a gentle giant.
So when Sophia came along she joined the local German Shepherd group thinking she would stay and do the basics and that was it... she had got the bug! 6 years later Lynn is still there having worked her way through all the classes until she was eligible to become a trainer.
Now Lynn loves being able to share her own experiences and the advice she has been given over the years by some great trainers with others who are on their own journey with their dogs.

Dolly is a crucial member of our team and can frequently be found on the field showing others how to do it and also giving owners a chance to see how to give commands.
Her favourite class is puppy foundation where she gives demonstrations and gets actively involved.
She will also be found helping out during Bronze, Silver and Gold, does demonstrations for our scent courses and loves being the patient for first aid and TTouch massage workshops!
And afterwards, she loves having a nip around agility and a play with her owner Trish.

Spirit by name, Spirit in nature. Rescued at the end of 2017 from the streets of Sarajevo, Spirit found himself at Just for Dogs for re homing.
Along came Dave, Trish's husband, it was love at first sight.
Spirit has become the face of TPL Dog Training and will be seen at training and across all our media, he is a handsome chap that just loves to be in the middle of anything that is going on!